Sentinelle For The Sky People
by Mfundi Rasayon, PhD on 06/13/22
Sky People We are the Host of
Humans on Earth
For those of you inclined to delve into a superficial read or scanning of this ‘Blog’, chances are likely, that the candor in the delivery may prompt you to entertain thoughts of ‘conspiracy’ or the current ‘Buzz’ nested in the zeitgeist of orchestrated FEAR. However, the truth is - reality can be easily viewed as “Harsh or polarized extreme thinking” when one believes that there are DIFFERENT versions of the TRUTH. There are No Versions. Truth is beyond the limited tools of what you accept as science. It is interdimensional and operative with axioms that transcend Eurocentric paradigms of what can be counted and measured. The rationale for this disclosure, simply put – YOU NEED IT! You need it – NOW!
In part, this is related to the cumulative conditioning that binds us to status quo compliance and IGNORANCE. For example, it is irrelevant if you are atheist, agnostic or a committed believer to wherever your faith has guided you; 85% of the occupants on this planet who classify themselves as human are very uncomfortable THINKING! In fact, their conditioned preference is literally a fusion of compliance and fear. In short, these people do not engage in thinking. They follow routines under the illusion – that they are making choices which they have already been ‘primed’ to choose --from predetermined limited selections. A concrete example to illustrate the point is, you are asked to freely reflect and choose your preferred color from red, white, and blue. This subliminally tells you that mauve or magenta is not part of reality. Yet, the TRUTH Particles and waves that coalesce here resonate the marriage of Spirit to matter.
Embedded in the preceding comments is my preamble. I AM YOU! Although, one of my primary mission parameters is to remind and alert the collective family-- the inhabitants of this biosphere – that we are FAMILY! Although there are those among us who have been genetically tampered with, as such, we have gravitated to a state referred to as, “adharma-avidya” which translates into English -- as “spiritually disconnected from our mutual alignment” or empathic resonance. Please continue reading and try to remain mindful that brief narratives shared through my person in this medium are other than to feed your misinterpretations of my essays on our collective vanilla siblings (so called White people – melanin recessive estranged siblings), who in their youth, and myopic projects of greed engage in acts driven out of fear -expressed through paranoia and organizations empowered to peddle ignorance to undermine the critical need for humans to BOND. Most of you are totally CLUELESS to the fact that you are sophisticated electromagnetically charged molecules held together through toroidal waves allowed to have form via balanced colonies of bacteria. In case it crossed your mind, there are NO ENTRIES that I have penned for your viewing or reflections that you will have trouble corroborating online. NONE!
So please note, mission parameters are spelled out to achieve specific objectives within a projected timeline. Otherwise, compensatory means must be introduced to bring those objectives to fruition. No conscious intelligent life form engages in such archaic emotions akin to what you refer to as HATE! However, Sentinels unlike assigned Guardians have little time to assuage your emotions because what is visible to them (us) -- Guardians have only heard of. Your species is in Jeopardy of auto-annihilation as recorded in the Akashi Records. You have entered that period when the countries with the signature character of the Vulture, Gargoyle, Gryphon, Dragon, and Eagle must stand ready to preserve and sustain the human collective.
Critical or rather ESSENTIAL RESOURCES, even your CHILDREN are being marginalized and thrown into the abyss by the malignant minds of the 3% of hybridized humans who agreed to barter your lives for hedonism, GREED, and the illusion of POWER to cast themselves as AUSAR-AUSET, SHIVA, OYA BUMBA, KODAMA, GITCHE MANITOU, WAKAN TANKA . . . ATTEND VERY CAREFULLY that you may come to know that your species on the current trajectory will expire in three-generations – Three!! Take heed . . . matters not to believe or disbelieve …
Find comfort by allowing your brain to reflect on what a weird essay…
Maybe the writer is crazy